Friday, October 5, 2007

What happens in Vegas...Sunday

Sunday began well. I awoke feeling semi-rested and went about my morning routines. Breakfast was served at the conference, it was good (you really can't screw up fruit and pastries) and the first speaker got up. "Welcome to..." blah blah blah. Next came introductions of new companies in the organization. Brief descriptions of inventory and what areas they're seeking for their clients. Next came those companies who had purchased booth space so they got a few extra minutes to extol not only their inventory, but also the benefits of their companies and services that they provide in addition to travel services (travel insurance, accounting, property management software, etc)

Next came the keynote address. Dan Thurman (I highly recommend you watch the video) is a motivational speaker who mixed acrobatics (handstands, backflips, etc) with juggling and unicycle riding into his presentation. At one point he was riding his unicycle while juggling a coffee mug, a bowling pin, and a machete. Definitely one of the best presentations I've ever seen.

Lunch! Again, you can't go wrong with salad and cold cut sandwich buffets. Then came more introductions, these just of normal members. Again, what inventory we get, what areas we're looking for, etc. Then we "networked" and I was able to get in contact with several people that have inventory I'll be needing and with several that needed stuff that I have, mainly Tennessee.

That was it for the actual "conference" day, now came the entertainment.

Later that evening, we all met at 6 pm for cocktails at the Paris Casino at the Risque' lounge. Had a couple of drinks, some hors d’Ĺ“uvres and some fun times with friends.

Moved on to dinner at the Le Provencal Restaurant within the casino. Bread was great, I always judge a restaurant by it's bread. In this case, first impressions were sorta wrong. The salad was absolutely horrible. I don't know what I ate, I know it wasn't the parsley sprig and that it was supposed to be part of the salad cause I noticed that several of the sprigs were mixed in with the rest of the greens, but it was the most bitter, horrible thing I've ever eaten. Salad was pushed to the side. Main course, some salmon (meh), chicken with capers (good) and some angel hair pasta (would have been perfect except it was drenched in tomato sauce and I don't like tomato sauce).

Then we moved to our scheduled show for the evening. We went to see Anthony Cools. To say that his performance was good would be true, he was good. To say that his show was shocking...would be understating the facts. JM would have died. Sean would have been in heaven.

The show was warmed up by a couple of girls from the neighboring show, "Oh la la", from the title, I'm sure you can gather what kind of show it is. The girls (Fifi and I can't remember the other) and were dressed in skimpy maid uniforms and by the end of their performance they were in thongs and bras only.

Then came Cool, he joked with the crowd, called for volunteers and then hypnotized them, weeded out those who didn't go under and then started the actual "show" by having all those still on stage (3 guys, 3 girls) believe they were in an orchestra playing the William Tell Overture. Some of them really got into it.

Next act, one poor fellow was picked by Cools to think that every time he heard Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire, he thought his....rear sphincter...was experiencing a burning pain that could only be extinguished by dragging his butt across the stage for the duration of the song being played.

Then one of the girls was told that ever time her name was called a voice yelled out some sort of intensely personal information about her that could be heard in the back of the room. Boy you never seen someone blush so hard...and damn if she didn't try and figure out where that voice was coming from.

Then another girl was convinced that she had completely forgotten her name unless she sang "Happy Birthday" first.

Then the...uh, colorful, things started. No nudity, even partial or "wardrobe malfunctions" were allowed, if any of the girls were in mini or short skirts, their laps were covered with a blanket.

The subjects were told they were all porn stars trying out for a film and they had to demonstrate their talents with a chair. I must say, one of the girls had to have a professional background in her past...not to mention, I can also say with complete confidence that she was not wearing a bra and that the room she saw herself in was extremely cold. If you need that further explained...don't ask.

Her husband was also a subject (didn't learn they were married until later) and boy they must have interesting weekends.

There were a couple of other similarly themed performances that I won't mention...unless asked ;)

He finished by telling the subjects that when he shook their hand, they would experience the most intense orgasm they'd ever had for as long as their hands were touching. Surprisingly the girls were mostly silent (though one did kinda moan)...the guys on the other hand....well, one was quiet, the other moaned then kinda straighted and exclaimed, "I'm done!" Professional lady's husband was yelling at the top of his lungs, he also happened to be Ring of fire guy and of course the song was he's griping Cool's hand, yelling at the top of his lungs while scooting his butt across the stage. He wasn't the funniest though. The girl who'd forgotten her name...WOULD...NOT...LET...GO! No matter how hard Cool tried to disentangle himself, she would not let go, she even grabbed his arm with her other hand.

Finally, all were released and allowed to remember everything. Again, blushes all around, coupled with a few laughs. Audience loved it, though several (including myself) bore stunned expressions of disbelief.

Following the show, those in my company stayed in the Paris and found a little bar/live show alcove and sat around chatting, dancing (I didn't), some drinks till around 1:30 am and we headed back to our condo, exhausted.

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