Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tase him again Bro!

Remember Andrew Meyer? Yep...the idiot who (deservedly IMHO) was tased after disrupting a Q&A with John F. Kerry*

Well, it's been a while and the state of Florida has been running an investigation into whether the cops' actions were justified.

Guess what they found:

University of Florida cops were exonerated in the stunning of a student.

What's the poetic justice? The student may face charges.

The officers have been reinstated to full duty.

Just as I said before...he wanted to create a spectacle and martyr himself. Well, a martyr is only a martyr until he is revealed to be a fool.

Fool, thy name is Andrew Meyer!


* Who served in Vietnam


Anonymous said...

I'm going to be very, very picky here...
It's "create."

And, to adhere to strict literary form, it would be,
Fool, thy name is Andrew Meyer.

(from the oh-so-popular, Frailty, thy name is woman.)

*smiles sweetly*

Rogue said...

Let it never be known that I don't accept advice from my subordinates. Thanks Sarge ;)