Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Come see the violence inherit in the system!"

By now you've seen or heard about the University of Florida student who was tasered after asking questions of former Democratic Presidential Candidate John F. Kerry*. If not, here's some video of the incident.

Now, what's not caught on video is what happened prior to his questioning Kerry*. On Fox News Radio morning show Brian and the Judge, several eye witnesses called in to describe the event and their accounts jive with emails recieved by bloggess Michelle Malkin sent in by additional eye witnesses. They describe an event far different from the impression given by the videos.

Mr. Meyer, convinced that his specialness meant he got to ask questions despite the Q&A time period having ended due to Kerry* having ran overtime on his speech, (He droned for two hours, you wanna talk about torture!) rushed the microphone. Officers attempted to subdue him (you don't rush politicians of any stripe in this day and age) but Kerry* called on them to desist. Additional accounts state he (Meyers) was taunting the police at this time. He began his questions.

"Why didn't you contest the '04 election?" Simple answer: Kerry* lost fair and square (as did Gore in '00 but why left facts interrupt a good rant?)

"Why hasn't Bush been impeached?" Simple answer: No crimes or misdemenors committed.

Then some ridiculous question about the Skull and Bones society at Yale that both Bush and Kerry* were members of. Simple answer: College boys and secret societes go hand in hand, usually involving hazing/booze and women. They do not involve secret plots to rule the world.

By this time, event organizers had decided enough lunacy was enough, next I'm sure would have been a question about how fire doesn't melt steel (tell that to blacksmiths throughout the ages) and motioned for the mike to be cut (You can see this in the video, watch the man in the black-ish suit on the right side). Meyer wouldn't shut up despite this and campus police moved in. At this point, many people instinctively begin to get a real Rodney King-vibe, but anyone who looks at it objectively and with the knowledge that liberals protestors such as Mr. Meyers appears to be like to make marytrs of themselves aka "civil disobediance" (and since they sympathize with Palestinian and Al Qaeda terrorists that's no surprise really) can recognize that the guy was smiling when the cops moved in and he began to tussle with them.

Repeated breaking away, shrieking (and not for the benefit of the cameras he was definitely not aware of I'm sure) about "What did I do?!" Hey moron! Simple answer: You didn't leave a mike when your time was up and you caused a disturbance in what was supposed to be a serious lecture/Q&A.

His taunts continued until the cops after warning him to submit or be tased, were left with no choice and the rest is history. He enters the public arena as a victim of policy brutality. Personally, I think he got off too easy, then again, I don't suffer fools well.

Meyer was determined to create a disturbance and he succeeded. It will be interesting to see how the MSLM (mainstream liberal media) spin this incident since it took place at a Kerry* speaking event. Had this been President Bush, K. Ubermoron would have broken into regular programming proclaiming that the facist police state has been born and Bush has proclaimed himself Emperor.

In the grand scheme of things though, all this breaks down to is this, a young college skull full of mush awash with BDS confronts a politician he believed would bring about American retreat from Iraq about his failures to force change on an administration the student despises. He sees a chance at fame and flings himself happily on the "sword", or in this case, taser.

He's no different from the peasant in Holy Grail determined to bring about he is sure already exists. You can almost hear him yell, “Come see the violence inherit in the system. HELP! HELP! I’m being repressed! Did you see him repressing me? You saw him, didn't you?”

9/19 Update: He was acting for the benefit of the cameras

Officer Nicole Mallo writes that Meyer would only resist officers when cameras were present.

"As (Meyer) was escorted down stairs (at the University Auditorium) with no cameras in sight, he remained quiet, but once the cameras made their way down stairs he started screaming and yelling again," Mallo wrote.

Mallo was one of two officers who actually rode in the vehicle as Meyer was escorted to the Alachua County jail, and she said said he told them during the ride: "I am not mad at you guys, you didn't do anything wrong, you were just trying to do your job," according to Mallo's account.

* Who served in Vietnam


Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Rogue said...

Thank you.